Alkaline for Life® Blog

Arthritis is the term used to classify more than 100 disorders affecting the joints. Symptoms range from occasional joint pain and tenderness to chronic joint stiffness with severe pain. The most common form of arthritis [...]


Among magnesium’s many roles as a regulator of physiological function is its prominent role in muscle contraction and relaxation. Put simply, calcium is responsible for muscle contraction, while magnesium is responsible [...]
The majority of the magnesium stored in your body is in bone, accounting for approximately 60% of total body magnesium. This magnesium is present on the surface of bone, and is available for the body to [...]
Many of us have a sub-optimal intake of magnesium. In fact, HALF of the population in the United States does not even get the amount recommended to prevent deficiency, let alone for optimal health [...]
Magnesium is one of the most crucial yet often overlooked nutrients. It is the fourth most common mineral in the body, and the second most abundant mineral in human cells. This amazing mineral acts as [...]
As wonderful as exercise is for our bodies, it does produce oxidative stress. Studies show that muscle contraction produces reactive oxygen species - molecules that [...]
Many of us have heard of, or even live by, the expression “food is medicine.” But have you ever considered that exercise could also be thought of as a type of medicine? Well, experts in the exercise industry have begun [...]