Alkaline for Life® Blog

Food is nourishment for our entire body, including our brain. Some nutrients provide basic brain-building blocks, others are anti-inflammatories and antioxidants that protect our brains from free-radical damage. The following is a list of foods that research suggests [...]

Unfortunately, millions of us live with uncomfortable, unhappy joints due to chronic inflammation and a situation I call “repair deficit.” If you are trying to gain and maintain comfortable, good feeling joints, consider these top-7 joint-enhancing self-help tips [...]

You probably aren't getting an optimal amount of Omega-3s. Our bodies are designed to consume a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats that is about 1:1-1.5, but today, we are consuming about a 1:20 ratio, which puts our [...]

The majority of the magnesium stored in your body is in bone, accounting for approximately 60% of total body magnesium. This magnesium is present on the surface of bone, and is available for the body to [...]
Many of us have a sub-optimal intake of magnesium. In fact, HALF of the population in the United States does not even get the amount recommended to prevent deficiency, let alone for optimal health [...]
Magnesium is one of the most crucial yet often overlooked nutrients. It is the fourth most common mineral in the body, and the second most abundant mineral in human cells. This amazing mineral acts as [...]
As wonderful as exercise is for our bodies, it does produce oxidative stress. Studies show that muscle contraction produces reactive oxygen species - molecules that [...]
Pain is not a welcome sensation for anyone and when in pain most of us quickly reach for an aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Celebrex, or other NSAID inflammatory medication for quick pain relief. Over-the-counter or prescription NSAIDs [...]