The Hazards of NSAIDs

Pain is not a welcome sensation for anyone and when in pain most of us quickly reach for an aspirin, Motrin, Advil, Celebrex, or other NSAID inflammatory medication for quick pain relief. Over-the-counter or prescription NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are used every day by more than 30 million people in the U.S. seeking pain relief. Relief comes, but at a high cost. And there is a better life-supporting way to pain-free living. Here’s the story:
The harmful effects from NSAIDs are extensive and well documented. They include:
- Hypertension: It has been shown that NSAID users have a 40% increased risk of receiving a diagnosis of hypertension compared with nonusers. NSAID users also have a 1.7-fold higher risk of requiring the initiation of antihypertensive therapy compared with nonusers. Even a 5 to 6 mm Hg increase in diastolic blood pressure maintained over a few years may be associated with a 67% increase in total stroke risk and a 15% increase in coronary heart disease events.
- Heart Failure and Heart Attack: Numerous studies document that NSAIDS significantly increase the risk of heart failure and heart attack. Typical studies showed a 19 to 50% increased risk of heart failure among NSAID users. The COX-2 inhibitor called Vioxx caused as many as 140,000 heart attacks during the 5 years it was available on the market. This discovery led to further research that found this affect from other NSAIDs as well.
- Kidney Injury and Failure: NSAID use in patients aged >65 years has been shown to more than double the risk of acute kidney injury.
- Severe Intestinal Damage: Chronic use of NSAIDs is reported by the American Gastroenterological Association to increase risks of bleeding and visible damage to the small intestine. Gastrointestinal bleeds while taking NSAIDs are more likely to be fatal with a mortality of 21% vs 7% in patients now taking NSAIDs.
- Increased Risk of Stroke: Several studies have found NSAIDs to increase the risk of stroke.
- Increased Oxidative Stress and Free Radical Damage: NSAIDs have been shown to induce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in several tissues, including cardiovascular related cells.
A Life-Supporting Natural Pain Relief Option
Where there is pain, there is inflammation, and short-term inflammation is a natural life-supporting response that clears out damaged tissue. Chronic inflammation, however, is extremely damaging and it is a sign of “repair deficit.” The body is trying to repair itself by tearing down and recycling damaged tissue to rebuild healthy tissue. Without adequate antioxidants and repair nutrients, however, the body gets stuck in the “tear down” phase of initial inflammation. Long-term chronic inflammation brings with it chronic disease. It is a causative factor for all degenerative diseases.
The most valuable pain-relief product would be one that supports total body well being as it stimulates repair, naturally reducing the pain caused by inflammation.
Ideal pain relief would look like this:
- A natural combination of powerful non-GMO plant compounds
- Fully life supporting with no unwanted damaging side effects
- A proven and powerful anti-inflammatory agent
- Recognized as a potent antioxidant
- A relief that does not just mask the pain (like NSAIDs), but actually activates and imitates the body’s repair mechanisms
- Documented to assist in tissue repair
Here at Alkaline for Life, we have identified and tested over time the ideal combination of natural high antioxidant, pro-repair plant compounds that support a healthy inflammation response. These are:
Quercetin dihydrate. Quercetin is the most highly studied plant flavonoid. It protects and gives color to many plants. Quercetin is documented1 to:
- Inhibit inflammation in general*
- Block inflammatory cytokines including COX enzymes, IL-6, TNF-alpha*
- Reduce oxidative stress*
- Offer high, natural anti-histamine, anti-allergy activities*
- Reduce pain*
- Stimulate repair*
- Act as a potent anti-viral*
Pomegranate extract. Pomegranate extract is a powerful anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, IL-6, and TNF-alpha, and is documented to reduce pain in animal and human studies. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant and ancient healer. From the Bible to the Koran to the Gita, pomegranate juice has been prized for its many health benefits2.
OPCs. OPC flavanols (oligomeric proanthocyanidins) are potent plant bioflavonoids that deliver powerful, long-lasting free-radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activity3.
When properly sourced, combined in proper proportions and carefully processed this phytochemical combination provides outstanding benefits. For more than two decades we have found that the combination of these 3 powerful plant coumpounds provides quick pain relief while stimulating repair.
Additional benefits are seen when these bioflavonoids are used with their companion nutrient, L-ascorbate/vitamin C*.
Xu, D., M. J. Hu, Y. Q. Wang, and Y. L. Cui. 2019. Antioxidant activities of quercetin and its complexes for medicinal application. Molecules, 24(6):E1123. doi:10.3390/molecules240
Here are some references to support the effectiveness of these compounds:
2Pomegranate Extract:
Schwitters, B. 2015. OPCs, Dr. Jack Masquelier’s Mark on Health, 2nd ed. De Facto Publications BV, Vreeland, The Netherlands.